Greer Amps Little Samson Overdrive
The Little Samson is the answer to a request from Andy Elliott. Andy is known as a tone guru, and an amazing guitar builder. He asked us to develop a pedal, and so began his challenge. The pedal had to be better than his favorite distortion pedal. We put our engineering hats on, and went to work. The Little Samson is a very flexible pedal, with amazing tonal possibilities. The idea behind this pedal was to get a “natural, higher gain, but still FULL,” tone. The highest gain cousin to the Lightspeed & Southland, this pedal gives you chunky drive, with crunched out distortion and singing lead tones; yet, it still doesn’t get buzzy or flubby. The high end is smooth, with the proper amount of treble. The low end stays tight and is amazingly balanced. The midrange is right where it needs to be…basically, this pedal is the ultimate distortion pedal. It remains touch sensitive, and has a front end that is structured like the input of an amplifier. Andy’s happy, and we know you will be, too!